Monday, December 7, 2009


I'm grateful for the letter g, brought to us by google. Not only is google the best search engine, and gmail the best email, the g has gotten me through many a boring summer job. Anything can be included in the gworld just by adding this beautiful letter in front. Give it a try. You'll love it.

Occasionally, when I go to type in a search term, my list of recent searches comes up, and I chuckle to myself. Some of my recent google searches: "caring for potted chrysanthemums," "national pygmy goat association," "IRC 215," "IRC 71," and "christina ricci."

Also, I want to share a list my dear sister sent me when I didn't post yesterday.
If you are struggling for something that starts with G here are some ideas--grandparents, gerbils***, goats (don't you girls have a thing for goats), games, gangstas, gatorade, genes (like the gene that gives us fat knees), gmail, gchat, goggles, glitter, gyms, gum, gummy worms*, green sippy cups with unknown contents**,
Joey Gladstone & Kimmy Gibbler, golf, grazing, green (you could use that sweet pic of you jumping all decked out in green), etc.

Also today, a special g-shout out to the Grounds Crew, who are so valiantly trying to keep up with the crazy snowfall that has not stopped in the past 2 days. I applaud your efforts and only wish you would come shovel my driveway.

Ok, g-see you later! (And for most of you, I probably will.)

*I would add gummy-vites. Crazy delicious. So much better than old people vitamins.
**This refers to a particularly scarring childhood experience.
***Meh. Maybe. Hampty and Jennifer? Were they gerbils? Actually, judging from Hampty's name, I'm going with hamsters. Whatev.


Carrie said...

Love the green sippy cup. I think of you every time it rains and I see those long stringy worms on the sidewalk.

Unknown said...

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