Wednesday, May 19, 2010


We have to make a lot of choices in life. Some of the most difficult involve which celebrity gossip to believe and what to dismiss as false.

For example, some celebrity "trivia" I choose to believe:

Jamie Lee = hermaphrodite.

"Lady" Gaga may actually be "Sir" Gaga.
There is a website called ladygagaisaman dot com. What more proof do you need?

And some falsehoods I refuse to just blindly accept:
Tupac is dead.
TMZ saw him in New Orleans recently.
And this article citing the Top 20 reasons (narrowed down from 50) why he's alive points out some striking parallels between Mr. Shakur and Machiavelli. An interesting read.

And most recently...
Wentworth Miller is gay.

Just because he is the frontman for a popular men’s high-fashion line in South Korea (you have good taste, Korea) doesn't mean he is gay.


Carrie said...

Haha, this made me laugh. We're on a slippery slope, my sister. First, trashy TV shows. Now, caring about celebrities' personal lives and stalking them via the internet and other reputable sites (such as TMZ) to prove and debunk urban legends. What's next?

Laura said...

you are too funny bossy boss