Saturday, May 29, 2010

Teacher, can I use the Hall Pass?

I've maybe expressed how law school = middle school (mostly just the first year).
I had all my classes with the same subsection of our class. My classes were assigned. My carrel was like my locker, which I visited between each class to trade out books I needed for each class. I never had to leave the building all day.
The difference was that my friends were approaching 30, not 13.

And now I've reverted even further (farther? I still don't know):
Bar Prep = elementary school.
Here's what I did in class yesterday.
I filled in blanks in a workbook.
What? You don't trust me to take notes on my own on my computer without getting distracted by gchat and wikipedia?
Thank you BarBri for realizing I have the attention span of a 2nd grader.


Logg said...

So remember how Dashboard has an album called Shade of Poison Trees? I think I'd rather eat the fruit from that tree than listen to that album.

Valerie said...

I love the poisonous tree! Why did I not know that you are such an artist?!?

Laura said...

haha funny

Carrie said...

I'm loving that artwork on the side.

Carrie said...

And judging by his comment I take it Logg isn't a fan of Dashboard.