Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rational Thoughts

So it might be an understatement to say I'm not a morning person. I love how much I can get done when I am awake early, and really do LIKE mornings. It's the getting out of bed part that I just can't do.

I get all sorts of thoughts that seem to make sense at the time, but when I think back on them, they make little to no sense at all. They usually involve reasons for me to stay in bed. I'm REALLY good at convincing myself that it would be a better idea to go back to sleep than get up and go to the gym (sometimes this happens even after I've been up and actually out of bed for a few minutes). I'm also pretty good at rationalizing skipping class.

Sometimes in the hour-long process of waking up and hitting snooze, my dreams mix with conscious thoughts.

Here's a thought pattern I had the other day:
(Note: This very well could have taken place over the course of like 30 minutes. Time is so fluid at this time of day.)

Oh man, it's St. Patrick's Day isn't it?
(Roll over.)
Yes, it's St. Patrick's Day.
(My pillow is so soft.)
Hmmm....That means it is ValPal's birthday.
I should give her a call. Or at least send a happy bday textual message.
(Get out of bed. Walk down hall, through kitchen, through laundry room, towards bathroom.)
Man, good thing I wore green shorts to bed. I wouldn't want to get pinched right now.
Wait a's June. It's not St. Patrick's Day. And it's not Val's birthday.

That's too bad.