Monday, December 29, 2008

Birthday Boy

Thomas Anthony John. Perhaps you know him as Tony, Anthony, TJ, Fat Tony John. He is 28.
Some things that remind us of Tony John:

Red Sox
Billy Joel
long talks
good advice
poopy pants
never used to wear a coat
tends to lose coats
married my (Jill's) sister

Happy Birthday Tony!


Carrie said...

Wow. I'm speechless, not really sure what to say that one of the things that he makes you think of is poopy pants.

D said...

Bunker Hill Monument? Is that the reference. I too echo Jill's appreciation for Mr. John. I'll submit the following in the way of trips down memory lane:
The annual group cabin date in the snow.
Tony wooing women at ward talent shows with his sultry voice.
Nightly therapy sessions, in which we psychoanalyze everyone we know.
Tony stealing my keys as we both were interviewing to sell security systems during summer '03. (don't worry, neither of us could go through with it.)
Our love affair with MVP baseball 2005.
Playoff baseball despair in 2003.
2004 Red Sox mariachi music.
Vegas 04 and Rafa's last second put back to win it.
Fantasy Sports.

Happy late B-Day Thomas. Thanks for the friend tribute Jill. Missouri road trip '09!!