Monday, September 6, 2010

Dear Brian Littrell

Dear Brian,

I just wanted to write a quick note to say thanks for an unforgettable night. I know it's been 2.5 months now, but I still just can't stop thinking about it.
You know, I may not have ever told you this, but back when you guys were first big in the U.S., I totally had a crush on you. A lot of my friends thought Nick was the cutie, but you were the one I was drawn to. You promised you'd be there to make me smile. You promised to never break my heart. You promised you'd be the one. Needless to say, you won me over. You were my fire. I knew that without you all I was going to be was incomplete.
I guess what I really want to say is...Thanks for sticking with it all these years. I know you probably get a lot of crap for still being in a "boy" band at age 35, but I, for one, respect that you are not ashamed of who you are. You wear the matching sequined "B" jacket with pride.
And you still totally own that classic boy band choreography (more than Nick can say...but I'm not sure he was ever a great dancer). Very impressive.
So even though Nick is undeniably the most attractive Backstreet Boy now (and funny how 5 years doesn't seem like much of an age gap anymore), I just wanted you to know that you'll always hold a special place in my heart.


1 comment:

Carrie said...

Any middle-aged man that wears a sequined jacket in public deserves a shout out.