Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's like they wrote this song about me.

So I've never actually watched Veggie Tales (was it a TV series? movies? I'm sure could tell me, but that's not the point). But I do know that Katie Duncan has never been to Boston in the fall. Which is apparently a Veggie Tales song.

So I watched this video, since it will soon not apply to me (the Boston part anyway).

And when I did, I discovered how much it described my life.
I mean, a few things are inaccurate: I've been to Denver. And St. Paul (that's a new one this last summer). But I didn't bury treasure there, so really I guess it's just the Denver one. Pretty much everything else is accurate:
I've never been to Greenland.
I've never swabbed a poop deck (not really sure what swabbing entails, not interested in finding out).
Sometimes I feel like a pirate (ok, not a pirate) who doesn't do anything (I need a job. Real bad. I have far too much time on my hands).
I've never been to Boston, in any season (including fall).
And the clincher: I don't look good in leggings (darn you, current fashion trends).

It was a little creepy. It's like those veggies were singing the story of my life.

Melanie wanted a shout out. Because she reads this blog a few times a year.


Carrie said...

Um, is it just me, or do Veggie Tales always make you think of the Shumways? Have fun in Boston in the fall this weekend. And, at least you don't have to wear a patch like one those veggie-pirates.

Melanie said...

thanks for the shout out! i was touched! as i was reading i was getting nervous that you weren't going to do it, but then when i saw the picture with cleaty cleats, i knew life was good:)

Carolyn Quebe Williams said...

Pretty sure you are rockin those green leggins in the pic.