Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Phone, meet toilet.

I had hoped you would never meet, but now you have.

Apparently the little muffin-top-esque shelf that is created when I roll the top of my sweatpants is not an appropriate nor a safe place to perch my phone when my hands are full of other things. Especially if I plan to forget that I placed the phone there and then go into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Whoops, I'm crazy!

This is why I always keep the toilet seat closed. I had a roommate that fought with me about this once, saying that when she needed to go, she NEEDED to GO and didn't have that extra half second it takes to lift the lid. I remain firm in my conviction that the lid belongs down as much as possible. Precisely for reasons such as this.

Needless to say, my hand has never plunged into a toilet bowl so quickly (I was very grateful the water was clean). I took it apart, dried it off as best I could, put it back together, and turned it on. Anytime I pushed a button, it would act as if I pushed like 15 other buttons.

So into a bag of rice my celly friend went. Tried again this morning. White screen of death. Back into the rice.

Just tried again, and while I was out of the room, I called my dad. And then in the middle of our phone call "I" started text messaging random numbers. So if you get a weird message from me (especially if you are on my speed dial, which, let's face it, if you are one of the 7 people who read this blog there is a good chance you are), I apologize.

Back into the rice....Otherwise, we may have to revert to Short Mail...


Valerie said...

Sad story. I have a couple old Verizon phones that, like the Velveteen Rabbit, used to be loved and now just want to be real. If you're interested. (I can't remember if you're on Verizon or not.)

Janna said...

It's just that I love Short Mail.

Carolyn Quebe Williams said...

Oh dear. saw that your g-chat status has yet to change. Still undergoing the rice treatment, I assume?