Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I kind of wish I didn't know.

Every few years I rediscover this album. It's happening again right now, and I love it.
This girl was angry in the 90s.
And then I remember how her angriest of the angry, "You Oughta Know," was about Joey Gladstone.Weird. And so not right.


Carolyn Quebe Williams said...

Haha, was it really? That's hilarious. Still have my Alanis CD. Will keep it forever.

Carrie said...

Cut. It. Out.

(I did that in Wal-Mart the other day and Tony told me that I had just 'dated' myself because the cashier had no idea what I was doing)

Meg said...

i just discovered your blog and am in a happy place. jill, only you (or me) would pick and appreciate such a fabulous picture of our man dave coullier.