Thursday, July 23, 2009


Unfortunately for some, this is not a tribute to the oh so excellent movie starring the one and only Beyoncé Knowles. That is for a different time and day and post. Although worth talking about so we might have to come back to that...anyways, back to the topic at hand today, I have an unhealthy obsession and am realizing this more and more all the time. Everybody has their thing right? For some people it might be shoes, for others it might be movies, or books or something, but for me it is coats. I love them. I feel like during the winter time a coat can basically be your outfit. Because of this obsession I have acquired a few coats over the years and I've been trying to be good about not purchasing anymore unless there is substantial evidence that the item in question is something I need. Well, today I had a weak moment...and I bought this beauty. I couldn't help myself. I actually found another navy coat with cute gold buttons, and considered buying both of them for about a minute and half until I found out the navy one no longer came in my size. Also, I just bought another new coat when I went to New York a couple months ago that I haven't even gotten a chance to wear yet. What I'm trying to say here is that I have a problem and the first step is admitting it right? I need help, because this "thing" of mine is expensive. I should just stick with crocheting. Maybe I could crochet myself a coat.


Jill said...

Janna! Is this why you are g-hiding from me today? Do we need to stage an intervention? I know how to do that, thanks to The O.C. Season 2. Maybe blogging could be your "thing." Two posts in one week? Things are getting out of hand here, people.

Maria said...

I am pretty sure you loaned one to Valerie (aka ValPal) when she came to Boston to interview at Bentley. She looked smokin', so if that was your coat, then your obsession is paying off. For your friends at very least.

Logg said...

Man tell me about it. I must buy two or three coats a week and that only goes up if I'm stressed.
'Coats' is a street name for meth right?

jenn + michael said...

I can take some off your hands if that helps you get clean. I'm only trying to help.

Katie said...

I was about to say good job, but then I read Jill's post and felt bad for encouraging your obsession. Its just that I benefit from it, less now of course, but I love your obsession. It is even leaking into me, I have never bought more coats than in the last 2 years, but you always offer such excellent opinions in my indecisiveness about things (I did keep both swimsuits :). Miss you girls.

LauraP said...

You do have many cute coats, I'm a little jealous! I will also take some off of your hands if you need me too! Was the coat on sale since it is clearly not coat weather? If it was on sale, I feel you can justify anything! If not I feel maybe you are past obsessed and on your way to addicted since you won't be wearing the coat for a few more months!

Carolyn Quebe Williams said...

Ah, I wish i could claim otherwise, But this confession is oh-so-true. haha.