Thursday, November 19, 2009

I guess this means I'll never be on her "Favorite Things" episode...

I don't even watch Oprah and I feel a little empty inside at this news.
That's how big of a deal this is.
She's been on the air longer than I've been on the earth.

I don't believe she'll really be gone though. People like her never really leave us.

I just got weirdly sentimental and wanted to read all the books on her Book Club list...but maybe that's just because I'd love to read anything besides Fundamental Principles of Family Law in Utah (smelly, smelly book) and Secured Transactions (boring book)


Valerie said...

She's definitely not gone.

Oprah Winfrey 2012.

jjangji said...

Not all law books can be like our beloved Wills and Estates text. When we're done with law school, we should do a book club thing and read those books.