Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Somebody in Korea loves us...or at least reads our blog.

I've just been so entertained by Cindy's flood of posts about Korea I just haven't had time to post anything of my own. But per your request, Cindy, here is a new post to celebrate the month of October...and you.
Reasons we're for Cindy:
1. She is so great at untangling knotted masses of yarn.
2. She was one of our most faithful softball fans, even on nights when games conflicted with SYTYCD. And she wore the yarmulke I made her.2a. And she for sure made the best signs.
3. Ford sounds like Fort.
4. Tattoos. 'Nuff said.
5. She knows who she is...and that's freedom.


Cindy said...


this is seriously a highlight of my life. i mean, i wanted a blog post, but this is just leaps and bounds ahead of what i was expecting.

i miss you both. i would give anything to untangle your yarn or wear your handmade crafts on my head while watching saturdays warrior.

and i do-love you.

ps i look like a crazy in these photos.

Carrie said...

I don't know your friend Cindy, but she seems cool. Did she really run for City Council?

And I love the APP you are rockin' in that top pic. And I think I recognize that green yarn she is untangling, but I could be wrong.

Mama Quada said...

I love this post. You are truly missed dear Cynthia.