Thursday, December 10, 2009

I...I wish I had a better title for this.

Laffy Taffy joke of the day:
What did the hot dog say when he won the race?
I'm the wiener!

So one of my goals before I left BYU was to win an Intramural Champion tshirt. Some of my friends have multiples. Some of my friends won like their 6th last night. That will never be me; I'm not that athletically gifted. But I still wanted one. And I sure did not want to sign up for another degree just to buy more time to get one. That sounds almost not worth it. I've been on teams that have come close before, but we never quite went all the way...until this summer.
As I said, and as you are all aware, I'm not athletically gifted.
with some careful recruiting,
and a lot of Journey "Don't Stop Believing,"
even more "My Life Would Suck Without You,"
(and some aforementioned tattoos, courtesy of Honks),
we finally did it.
Right after the awards ceremony.
The girls on the team (i.e., the reason we didn't get bumped to upper division)

I maybe hate Janna a little bit for winning a shirt on the first team she has ever joined. But whatev.

(I is for Intramural Championship T-shirt, if you didn't catch that.)


Carrie said...

Congrats on the winning the coveted tee. And I love that you have so many team pictures. Mom would be proud.

D said...

I was hoping you would mention bowling champs as well. I guess I will. We won, and we are awesome.

Jill said...

I would have mentioned bowling except that it is not intramurals, and thus there is no tshirt involved.

jjangji said...

I was thinking that the post was LONG overdue, but then remembered you were working on your list. I'm still sad I never managed to make it down for one your games this summer.