Monday, December 14, 2009

J...We're so vain, we probably think this letter is about US!

Sorry for the lack of posts the past few days but it was a busy weekend. Jill had finals and I had Disneyland. Sucks to be one of us. Anyways, at the risk of sounding vain Jill and I have decided to dedicate the letter J to each other. After all, our lives would have ended up very differently if we had never found each other. I mean for one thing this blog wouldn't exist, and I know that all 8 of our readers (if we even have that many) would feel the lack.

We love our friends.
Janna's glasses look silly on Jill.

We celebrate Halloween.

We take care of each other (also, we are fantastically awkward)
We used to go to lacrosse games. And win tshirts.

We go to New York, home of Subway.
We're posers.

We are fans of wizardry and medieval Knight games.

We have awesomely amusing/creeptastic friends.

Best of both worlds.
We both will sing into anything as a microphone.

Matchers scratchers.


Laura said...

oh precious

jjangji said...

I love J & J!

Carrie said...

You girls are too cute. Thank goodness for cameras--lots of fun pics. You should have mentioned that you are thankful for cameras back on your "c" day.

Cindy said...

I, too, am grateful for you both.

times a million