Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lady Wingmen...Taking One for the Team Since 2008

Winter 08 -The legacy begins with Women's Basketball. Ranked #150 (with a winning record of 3-2). It was a learning year. ("What exactly constitutes a foul?")

Fall 08 - We continue our tradition of excellence with an 0-5 regular season record in flag football. However, we then pick the right time to start winning and made it to the semi-finals of the (D-III) tournament. Our coaches had an ceremony for us. I won the "Team Player" award because I was willing to play any position (translation: I was not terribly effective at any one position, so they kept moving me around, trying to find my niche).I just love Ox's dedication to the team uniform of tie-dye.

Winter 09 - We may have set an intramural record when we scored only 13 points in 40 minutes...and won!
Fall 09 - All of a sudden we were kind of awesome this season. So awesome, we got put in Division I for the tournament. That may or may not have been a mistake -- but with an intramural/Journey miracle, we did win our first tournament game against an upper division team! I credit the magic of the purple dreamcatcher tie-dye Elisse is sporting here (bottom right).

Special "L" shout-out to Lexy, one of the few original Lady Wingmen who has played every season. She is leaving us for the greener pastures of North Carolina. We will miss her terribly.

Also for L: labor. I've just been hanging out in the labor and delivery wing here today as my sis prepares to give birth to the wee bar'n. Any time now!


D said...

I'm just glad the lady wingmen experience prepared you for softball glory. Everything happens for a reason.

Carrie said...

For some reason this post made me think of the line said by Kingsley Shaklebolt in HP and the Order of the Phoenix when he tells the Minister of Magic he might not like Dumbledoor, but he couldn't deny he has style.

The Lady Wingman may not have the best intramural record, but you can't deny they have style.

jjangji said...

Jill, you forgot Law School.

Jill said...

No I didn't.

Cindy said...

I only wish I could've cheered Lady Wingmen on in person.

but know they always have a fan in korea.